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Different types of wine cellar: which cellar should you choose for your wines?

Categories : Expertise

Wine lovers know how essential the right storage is for preserving the quality and unique flavours of their precious bottles. But with so many types of wine cellar available, how do you choose the one that best suits your needs? Discover the different types of wine cellars below:


1. Ageing cellar :

The ageing cellar, such as the RESERVE300XL, is specially designed to store your wines over a long period of time, providing them with the ideal conditions to age harmoniously. Here are some of the advantages of this type of cellar:


- Long-term storage: Allows wines to be kept for several years without altering their quality.

- Temperature control: Maintains a stable temperature for optimal ageing.

- Humidity stability: Protects corks and keeps bottles airtight.

- Protection against light and vibration: Ensures that the wines are not affected by light or movement.

- Wine maturation and development: Promotes the evolution of the wine's aromas and characteristics.

2. Temperature control cellar :

Also known as a service cellar, this cellar is designed to maintain your wines at the ideal tasting temperature. Here are the advantages

- Preparation for tasting: Bottles are ready to be opened and enjoyed at any time.

- Storage of wines ready to drink: Ideal for those who like to enjoy their wines without waiting.

- Different temperature zones: You can store different types of wine in different temperature zones.

- Humidity control: Maintains optimum humidity levels to protect corks.

For example, the CC28 is a service cellar that meets these criteria.     

- Ideal tasting temperature: Allows you to serve your wine at the optimum temperature to fully appreciate its aromas.

3. Multi-purpose cellar :

The multi-purpose cellar offers both ageing and temperature control functions. Let's take our CPF100B1 multi-purpose wine cellar as an example. It offers the following advantages:


- Wine ageing: You can store your wines to let them reach their optimum maturity.

- Temperature control for tasting: You can also serve them at the desired temperature.

- Flexibility of use: You can adapt the space to suit your changing needs.

- Adaptability as your collection grows: Ideal for those who expand their collection over time.

- Space-saving: Saves space by combining two essential functions.

4. Built-in wine cellar :

The built-in wine cellar is designed to blend harmoniously into your kitchen or a specific space.  Here are the advantages:

- Harmonious integration: blends in perfectly with the design of your kitchen for an aesthetically pleasing appearance. Take a look at this built-in wine cellar: CBU40D1B.

- Space-saving: makes efficient use of available space thanks to its built-in design.

- Customisable: Can be adapted to the size and style of your space.

- Advanced features: Offers advanced features for optimal wine conservation.

- Easy access: Allows easy access to your bottles for easy handling.

- Collection enhancement: Showcases your wine collection with elegance.

It's important to consider the specific features of each type of wine cellar in terms of capacity, functionality and performance. Choose the one that best meets your needs and ensures that your wines remain in the best possible condition until they are ready to be enjoyed. Here's to your good health!