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Built-in wine cellar

Categories : Expertise

A built-in wine cellar is designed to be integrated into kitchen units or specific spaces. Here's what it's for:

Harmonious integration: A built-in wine cellar is designed to blend harmoniously into the design of your kitchen or living space. It can be installed discreetly and attractively, blending in with the rest of your interior design.


Optimising space: Built into a cabinet, as in this photo with the CBU20S2B, or into a specific space, a built-in wine cellar makes the best use of the space available. It can be integrated into kitchen cabinets, columns or other dedicated areas, freeing up space on the worktop or in other parts of the kitchen.


Customisation: Built-in wine cellars often offer the option of customising their appearance to match your style and preferences. You can choose finishes, materials and handles to match the rest of your kitchen or space.


Advanced features: Built-in wine cellars can offer advanced features such as precise temperature controls, multiple temperature zones for different types of wine, touch screens or electronic controls, and even connectivity options.

Easy access: Even if it's built-in, a built-in wine cellar offers easy access to bottles. It's designed so that you can remove and store bottles easily, without constraint.


Enhancing your collection: A built-in wine cellar allows you to showcase your wine collection in an elegant and professional way. It creates an attractive and neat presentation of the bottles, which is ideal if you want to display your wines in an aesthetically pleasing way.


In short, a built-in wine cellar is designed to integrate your cellar into your kitchen or living space, offering an attractive and practical solution for storing and displaying your wines. It frees up space, lets you personalise its appearance, offers advanced features and easy access to your wine collection, while showcasing it in style. With a built-in wine cellar, you'll be able to enjoy your favourite wines in a friendly, attractive setting, while adding a touch of sophistication to your home. Cheers and happy tasting!